Education Units
Resources for Teachers to Help Teach
A Resource Guide and Units in 8-10 Lessons for Grades K-12
Culturally Relevant K-12 Curriculum
Creating a Peaceful Classroom
Welcome to the yoga and meditation video series for your students!
Yoga and meditation's effect on social-emotional learning in society and in the classroom is well established. We know that in order for ourselves and the children in our lives to be successful, we need to engage the working of our inner lives including our emotions, stress levels and the ability to have awareness of what is going on inside and outside of us, and to be able to influence that.
This is an invitation to take care of yourself while taking care of others. The spirit of this work is to help you be more kind to yourself. In doing this, you will also help the students. Mindfulness is not a way to get children to behave more to our liking. It is a way to help them align more meaningfully with their own being. But you’ll find that naturally behavior will become more coherent and connected.

Many thanks to the funders who supported this innovative effort.

US Dept of Education
Alaska Native Education Program

Alaska Department of Health
Positive Youth Development After-School Program